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What is the most successful movie franchise of all time?

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What is the most successful movie franchise of all time?
posted Jun 5, 2019 by Pratiksha Shetty

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Worldwide gross: $18,263,221,776

Though it seems a bit unfair, the whole of the Marvel Cinematic Universe—including The Avengers, Iron Man, Captain America, and the Guardians of the Galaxy movies—is officially a single franchise in Hollywood's eyes. Which makes it a tough one to beat, with 28 films (and counting) in the past 12 years, led (financially-speaking) by Avengers: Infinity War ($2,048,797,682), The Avengers ($1,517,935,897), Avengers: Age of Ultron ($1,403,013,963), and Black Panther ($1,348,258,224).

answer Jun 6, 2019 by Reeta