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Whose mother's role did Amrita Singh play in 2 States?

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Whose mother's role did Amrita Singh play in 2 States?
posted Aug 14, 2017 by anonymous

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Amrita Singh played the role of Kavita Malhotra who is the mother of Krish Malhotra(Arjun Kapoor). Kavitha Malhotra is a Punjabi matriarch, obsessively protective of her son, bigoted and prejudiced but completely unaware of it. As a respite from her abusive husband, her hopes and dreams are rested on her only son Krish that he will marry someone from within the Punjabi community with a fat dowry she can then boast of.She hopes this would elevate her social standing that always gets questioned due to her estranged relationship with her husband.
Amrita Singh in 2 States

answer Aug 30, 2017 by Arun Naik