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What was the trouble in Alfred Hitchcock’s film 'The Trouble with Harry'?

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What was the trouble in Alfred Hitchcock’s film 'The Trouble with Harry'?
posted Jun 7, 2017 by Ram Jana

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In Alfred Hitchcock’s film 'The Trouble with Harry', the trouble was Harry's death. The story is about how the residents of a small Vermont village react when the dead body of a man named Harry is found on a hillside.

The film is, however, not really a murder mystery; it is essentially a romantic comedy with thriller overtones, in which the corpse serves as a Macguffin. Four village residents end up working together to solve the problem of what to do with Harry.

In Alfred Hitchcock’s film 'The Trouble with Harry', the trouble was Harry's death.

answer Jun 19, 2017 by Santosh Nandi